- {date}: {changelog}
There are two types of vaults in THORChain:
- cold, inbound vaults "asgard" using TSS
- hot, outbound vaults "yggdrasil" using 1of1
This is primarily a result of TSS limitations. During the initial build of THORChain it was found that TSS's quadratic scaling problem (signing times increase quadratically with the size of member committee) would set a limit on the number of outbounds per second.
Key extract from [TSS Benchmark 2020] (
"chain": "BCH",
"pub_key": "thorpubladdwnpepqddacd9hr968v0p5au9xkhxn6p73dpsccqqklnd39elt468z70dskcfvfqa",
"address": "bnbla3lncy759wqfd3e3g9w3px8azzhqw0vypzapyt",
"halted": false,
"gas_rate": "11250"
"chain": "BTC",
"pub_key": "thorpubladdwnpepqddacd9hr968v0p5au9xkhxn6p73dpsccqqklnd39elt468z70dskcfvfqa",
"address": "bc1qa3lncy759wqfd3e3g9w3px8azzhqw0vy4uuxpg",
"halted": false,
"gas_rate": "7"
"chain": "DOGE",
"pub_key": "thorpubladdwnpepqddacd9hr968v0p5au9xkhxn6p73dpsccqqklnd39elt468z70dskcfvfqa",
"address": "DShaRx6jsYKZWXWgYUnuZAYKPqqxaBwAQP",
"halted": false,
"gas_rate": "538887"
"chain": "ETH",
"pub_key": "thorpubladdwnpepqddacd9hr968v0p5au9xkhxn6p73dpsccqqklnd39elt468z70dskcfvfqa",
"address": "0x1ed61d04a58d58e7ad936a6c347f62ce57631dc3",
"router": "0x3624525075b88B24ecc29CE226b0CEc1fFcB6976",
"halted": false,
"gas_rate": "70"
"chain": "LTC",
"pub_key": "thorpubladdwnpepqddacd9hr968v0p5au9xkhxn6p73dpsccqqklnd39elt468z70dskcfvfqa",
"address": "ltc1qa3lncy759wqfd3e3g9w3px8azzhqw0vy3qxzec",
"halted": false,
"gas_rate": "60"
Thus each node retains a 1of1 key to fast-sign outbounds. If they fail to sign, they are slashed and the tx re-delegated to an Asgard. THORChain with 100 nodes can do 100 outbounds a sec due to 100 ygg vaults. The vault funds are secured via economic security, but the following are outstanding (managed) problems:
- Code complexity with ygg vaults have in past opened up exploit loopholes
- Ygg vaults often go insolvent and lock node bonds
- Increased vault-management costs (ygg funding)
- Complexity in router upgrades requires logic to recall YggFunds
** Vault Costs **
Ygg funding is one of the larger expenses that increase THORChain's vault management costs:
However, 3 things have happened since:
- Asgard Vault Sharding logic, introduced in Q2 2021, split asgards to allow scaling past 40 nodes
- Synths, launched in Q1 2022, absorbed a significant part of arbitrage volume, reducing demand on L1 outbounds
, launched in Q1 2022, retained low-depth pools entirely in asgard vaults to prevent significant splitting of funds
As a result, the system has shown stability and reliability with multiple Asgards (and some pools are entirely asgard-managed), and L1 outbounds have reduced. Thus an opportunity presents itself to remove YggVaults entirely and rely only on Asgards, with no code change required. To do this
to stop yggs being funded (node churns will slowly empty yggs back to Asgard)AsgardSize = 20
to reduce asgard size down to 20
Formula to compare new Asgard performance:
throughputMultiplier = (oldSize^2 / newSize^2) * (oldSize / newSize)
Comparing with 15 seconds per TSS key-sign for 27 nodes (observed performance):
- 40: 1x at 3 vaults, 0.3tx/sec
- 20: 8x at 6 vaults, 2tx/sec
- 16: 15x at 7 vaults, 3tx/sec
- 14: 23x at 8 vaults, 5tx/sec
- 12: 37x at 9 vaults, 7tx/sec
- 9: 87x at 12 vaults, 17tx/sec
- 6: 296x at 18 vaults, 60tx/sec
- 3: 2370x at 35 vaults, 474tx/sec <- thought bubble: is there a reason to not do this?
Note1: increasing the count of asgard does not change the economic security of the funds (funds always 100% secured), nor does it change bandwidth requirements, since the same observations are required. The only consideration is fund-splitting. Ie, if someone could demand 10% of the funds of a pool, then TC should be able to fulfil in one tx, (not two from two vaults). So this puts the "limit" at 10 vaults (each with 10% of the funds). But likely users will only demand 2% of the funds of most pools, most of the time. (2% swap is a big swap, and there are only 7/4215 BTC LPs with more than 2% LP). So 50 vaults is "ok", which means AsgardSize = 3
is theoretically ok to attempt.
Note2: the network currently signs at 0.14tx/sec (so AsgardSize = 40
can tolerate current usage, thus AsgardSize = 20
can tolerate an 8x increase in L1 demand).
Note3: Although the network can currently sign at 100tx/sec (100 ygg vaults), it's never been required. Wherever there is a huge gap in performance required vs performance available, almost always compromises can be reclaimed. Here it is complexity and vaulting costs.
- Removal of complex Ygg Vault logic (the simpler the code, the easier to learn, maintain and reduce attack vectors)
- Cheaper vaulting costs
- Removal of ygg insolvencies
- THORNodes are now 100% non-custodial (no 1of1 keys), means pooledNodes can be encouraged and lightNodes can be explored again
- Reduction in L1 output (100 tx/sec down to 2tx/sec)
- Put out for a temperature check
- If well-received, then go via
because this is a network-security optimisation, and it may need to be quickly rolled back in case issues)
to stop yggs being funded (node churns will slowly empty yggs back to Asgard)AsgardSize = 20
to reduce asgard size down to 20
This will retain ygg-code, but effectively disable the feature. Throughput will decrease, but more than enough (8x margin) with current demand levels.
If issues are observed:
- Roll back to ygg-vaults
- Double-down and reduce asgardSize even further