EVM Whitelist Procedure


Whitelists have been removed. See here for more information.


Ecosystem devs can ask for tokens/contracts to be added/removed from any THORNode Whitelists using this procedure.


THORNode maintains whitelists to prevent attacks on the network. There are a significant number of degrees of freedom when dealing with the EVM (event spoofing, re-entrancies, self-destructs), as well as economic attacks (zombie tokens, infinite mints etc). Maintaining a standard and whitelist nueters this attack surface.

There are 2 EVM Whitelists

  1. DEX Token Whitelist - allows to be swapped to using DEX Aggregation
  2. Aggregator Whitelist - allows to be an Aggregator to call into, or be called from, the router


Once a review cycle, the publisher will ask for new additions to be submitted for review and inclusion. There will be a 48hr cutoff. The publisher will follow the following checklist and will not include the token/contract if it does not meet the requirements.

"must" - unavoidable requirement "should" - loose requirement

Pool Token

  • Must be ERC-20 compliant https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/standards/tokens/erc-20/
  • Must not include token transfer fees (taxes)
  • Must not be mintable
  • Must be verified on Etherscan (or equivalent, eg Snowtrace for AVA)
  • Should be economically valuable (greater than $100m mcap)
  • Should be older than 4 years
  • Should have a sponsor willing to provide $1m in bootstrap liquidity

Dex Token

  • Must be listed on an on-chain AMM
  • Must be ERC-20 compliant https://ethereum.org/en/developers/docs/standards/tokens/erc-20/
  • Must be verified on Etherscan


Examples: https://gitlab.com/thorchain/thornode/-/blob/develop/x/thorchain/aggregators/dex_mainnet.go

  • Must be verified on Etherscan (or equivalent, eg Snowtrace for AVA)
  • If support swapIn(params), must call router.depositWithExpiry(params, +15minsUNIXSeconds),
  • If support swapOut(params), must have a function exactly swapOut(address,address,uint256)
  • Must have re-entrancy protection on all functions https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/master/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol
  • Must not be proxied (https://docs.openzeppelin.com/upgrades-plugins/1.x/proxies)